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Dr. Imoro Zeba Braimah, an ophthalmic surgeon and recipient of a Cure Blindness Project research grant, presents at the Africa Retina Society conference in 2024. He spoke on the topics of the prevalence and risk factors of diabetic macular edema in sub-Saharan Africa, optical coherence tomography access for the management of diabetic macular edema, and conventional laser photocoagulation for the management of persistent central serous chorioretinopathy.

Dr. Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, Head of Department of Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology and Prosthesis at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, presented a study titled “Pediatric Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in the absence of risk factors” at the International Society of Ocular Oncology conference held in Goa, India in 2024.

Dr. Purnima R. Sthapit received an award for second place in the best paper section for her study on Ocular Surface Tumors (OSSN) in children. She is pictured here with the other winners at the International Society of Ocular Oncology conference.

Dr. Ashiyana Nariani, Senior Technical Advisor, Ophthalmic Training and Research at Cure Blindness Project, teaching a Live Classroom course on Phacoemulsification Wetlab to ophthalmology residents in Nepal and Bhutan.

Dr. Purnima R. Sthapit presents at the South-Asian Academy of Ophthalmology conference in Bhutan. The Cure Blindness Project funded scientific research studied Ocular Surface Tumors (OSSN) with Anterior Segment Optical Cohorence Tomography (AS-OCT), which aids in diagnosis without the need of biopsy.

Dr. Sanduk Ruit at a Live Classroom training in Nepal.

Review Our Research Articles

Cure Blindness Project has been involved in research for nearly twenty-five years. Since the organization’s inception, professionals associated with Cure Blindness Project have been publishing in a wide range of ophthalmological and public health journals. Articles about Cure Blindness Project have been published in both academic and general-audience sources.

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