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Scleral fixation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens combined with penetrating keratoplasty in an aphakic patient with microcornea and microphthalmia

Aphakia after a cataract surgery could be attributed to many reasons, including lack of capsular support or insufficient surgical experience for scleral fixation. Iris-fixated intraocular lenses (IOLs), anterior chamber (angle supported) IOLs and scleral-fixated IOLs offer enhanced vision in patients who are aphakic after cataract surgery. These procedures are significantly more difficult in patients of microphthalmia and small eye axial length and/or diameter. However, implantation of a lens can improve visual acuity and subjective quality of vision. We present a surgical technique of scleral fixation of IOL applied in an aphakic patient with microphthalmia that may be used to improve vision in similar patients.

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Publication Date
Apr 6, 2016

Geoff Tabin,

Full Citation
Li HJ, Tsaousis KT, Tabin GC. Scleral fixation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens combined with penetrating keratoplasty in an aphakic patient with microcornea and microphthalmia. BMJ Case Rep. 2016;2016:bcr2016214429. Published 2016 Apr 6. doi:10.1136/bcr-2016-214429