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Globally, 43 million people are blind—80% of which is treatable or preventable.

17 million people are blind due to untreated cataracts alone, a condition that can be cured with a ten-minute surgery and under $25 in material costs.

There are millions in the world who needlessly suffer from corneal blindness, which is the scarring of the cornea caused by a wide variety of diseases. In many cases, corneal blindness is preventable or treatable. For the 12.7 million people waiting for a corneal transplant, only one cornea is available for every 70 needed.

Restoring sight aids in helping break the cycle of poverty and lessens social exclusion.

Cure Blindness Project has grown beyond the Himalayas to tackle needless blindness in over 25 countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with core country operations in Nepal, Bhutan, India, Ethiopia, and Ghana. Expansion initiatives are underway in countries including South Sudan, Tanzania, the Philippines, Eritrea, and Somaliland.


Restoring Sight, Improving Lives

Impact Stories from Around the Globe

"I was eager to have my cataracts removed as I had a hard time seeing. When my child goes to work, I am alone in the house the whole day so I had to be careful when cooking,” explains 68-year-old widower Willie from the Philippines. “Sometimes, I needed to get food from the local store but it was not safe for me because of my eyesight. I can see clearly now out of my one eye and this makes me very happy."

Mulunesh Worku, a 70-year-old from Arba Minch, Ethiopia, couldn’t perform her daily chores, she couldn’t see what she was eating or wearing, and most importantly, she couldn’t see her newborn grandson. Following cataract surgery, she was able to see clearly and resume her daily activities. And see her beautiful grandson’s face for the first time.

Ten-month-old Odelia was diagnosed with congenital cataracts a few months after being born. Her mother brought her to a pediatric-only surgical outreach in Ghana this summer. Doctors were able to restore the toddler’s sight at no cost to her family. “They (Cure Blindness Project) are doing great. I even said on the outside when I came I was still not happy because I was not having enough money. And I didn’t know the amount they charged. So I quickly came and asked one of their colleagues. And they said it was free. And I said what of the drugs. And they said it was free, everything is free. God who places the NGO that is taking charge of this, God will help them and give them long life so they’ll always remember the poor.”

Cure Blindness Project is empowering local teams in various locations, including those without permanent infrastructure, by sending them outreach kits filled with essential equipment and instruments for eye surgeries like small incision cataract surgery (SICS). These kits provide doctors like Dr. Gloria Kyeremeh, an Ophthalmologist from rural Ghana, all the essential equipment, tools, and consumables needed for performing eye surgeries. Dr. Gloria was overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement as she realized the impact this would have on her patients and her community.

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I believe this is probably the best you can do to humankind. It's so cost effective and it gives so much. So much power, so much change in the life of people.

– Dr. Sanduk Ruit, Co-Founder

Cure Blindness Project now offers several tax-smart giving options. Consider a gift of stocks, donor advised funds, qualified charitable donations or cryptocurrency.

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How is my donation used?

Cure Blindness Project takes great pride in our financial efficiency and accountability. We work to maximize the value of every donation we receive and strive to direct those funds where they are most needed in support of our efforts to eradicate preventable blindness throughout the world.

Himalayan Cataract Project (dba Cure Blindness Project) is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and has received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for eight consecutive years. Donations to the Himalayan Cataract Project are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
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