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Making a bequest or other legacy gift to Cure Blindness Project is a deeply personal and effective way to support our work. Legacy gifts make a meaningful difference in our ability to provide sight-restoring surgeries and essential eye care, and train for doctors in underserved countries so that quality care is available to everyone who needs it, well into the future.

Legacy Society members receive our monthly newsletter, special updates on our programs, invitations to special events, and are listed in our Annual Report (unless they choose to remain anonymous).

We hope you will notify us when you have included us in your future planning so that we may thank you and welcome you as a new member of our Legacy Society.

The following will provide you with an overview of the ways you can make a difference in the lives of needlessly blind people around the world with a legacy gift. We also encourage you to consult your legal and financial advisor to determine which of these ways of giving would work best for you.


Make your will a document that begins a life.

A gift in your will or living trust is one of the most effective ways to provide for Cure Blindness Project’s future. The gift may be easily included in your will when it is written, or may be added through a simple codicil or amendment. You may wish to leave Cure Blindness Project:

A gift to Cure Blindness Project in your will allows you to retain your asset during your lifetime. In addition, your estate may benefit from a charitable estate tax deduction.

When drafting your will, your attorney may request the following information:

Legal Name: Himalayan Cataract Project, Inc.


P.O. Box 863
Norwich, Vermont 05055
Phone Number: Allyson S. Levin, Director of Development, (561) 573-4544

Tax ID #: 03-0362926

Nonprofit Status: 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation established in Vermont on September 14, 1999.

Sample Language:

“I give and bequeath to the Himalayan Cataract Project, Inc., P.O. Box 863, Norwich, Vermont 05055 [the sum of _________ Dollars ($__)] [ __ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

Contact us today for more information.


Naming Cure Blindness Project on a retirement or other account, or on a life insurance policy, is a simple way to provide for Cure Blindness Project’s future without writing or re-writing your will or living trust. These assets will pass directly to Cure Blindness Project without going through the probate process. Please as your retirement plan administrator or institution for the appropriate form.

Retirement Accounts

Many donors name Cure Blindness Project as a beneficiary of all or a specified percentage of their IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement plan.

Life Insurance Policies

If you have a life insurance policy that is no longer needed by your family, designating Cure Blindness Project as a beneficiary offers a simple way to support our work.

Bank and Investment Accounts and Commercial Annuities

You may leave a legacy for Cure Blindness Project by naming us as a Transfer-on-Death (TOD) or Payable-on-Death (POD) beneficiary on a bank or investment account or a commercial annuity, where permitted by state law and the financial institution.

Joining the Cure Blindness Project Legacy Society is an impactful way to give without affecting current finances. A Legacy Society gift will ensure that thousands will regain their sight and their lives well into the future.

We are here to help. Please contact Allyson S. Levin, Director of Development, at (561) 573-4544 or [email protected] to answer your questions.

Thank you for considering this special commitment to Cure Blindness Project and the people we serve.

Leaving a legacy isn’t leaving something behind, it’s about leaving something ahead.