Richard Litwin, MD | Cure Blindness

Richard Litwin, MD
Clinical Advisor

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Richard Litwin, MD

Dr. Richard Litwin trained at the University of California, San Francisco and currently runs a private ophthalmology practice in Berkeley.

Litwin has dedicated his life to improving eye care in the world. He has taught cataract surgery in Asia for more than 30 years. In the 1980’s, he worked to help establish the Aravind Eye Institute in India, one of the finest eye care facilities in the developing world. Litwin was also the first person in Nepal to perform cataract surgery using a lens implant.

Litwin began working with Himalayan Cataract Project co-founder Dr. Sanduk Ruit in 1985.

Litwin is a pioneer in the establishment of modern eye care in India, Nepal and other countries in which Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology and the Himalayan Cataract Project operate.