Dr. James Addy
Country Director

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James Amoo Addy M.D. serves as the Cure Blindness Project Country Representative for Ghana. He ensures that the goals and objectives of Cure Blindness Project are achieved in Ghana and facilitates partnerships with all public and private eye health partners in Ghana. He coordinates and supervises the provision of free eye surgeries for all cataract blind patients and visually impaired persons. He also facilitates both local and international training programs for all eye health professionals, and ensures the adequate provision of infrastructure, equipment, and consumables. Dr. Addy strongly advocates for inclusion of eye health in all policies and programs of public and private sectors of Sub-Saharan Africa.

James Amoo Addy an Ophthalmologist, has over the decades worked in the eye health sector in Ghana as the former Head of the Eye Health Unit of the Ghana Health Service and the National Coordinator for the Prevention of Blindness. He has served on various committees within West African Health Organization (WAHO), and International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) Africa. Therefore, he has worked with governments, national and international NGOs in eye health sector as well as volunteers and philanthropists across the world.

Dr. Addy holds a BSc. in Human Biology, MBCHB from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana; Senior Specialist and Ophthalmologist of West African College of Surgeons (WACS); MSc. In Community Eye Health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSH&TM) of the University of London and International Center for Eye Health (ICEH) London, and a Certificate in Health Administration and Management from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Legon, Accra.