Student’s Faith Leads Him to Seek Help
Theology student Appiah Joshua Mighty prayed for a miracle. And then he learned about HCP Cureblindness’ free cataract outreach.
Appiah Joshua Mighty, 30, believes in the power of healing. A theology student working towards becoming an ordained pastor, he credits God for the skills of HCP Cureblindness surgeons who restored his sight.
In his words, Joshua shares his story:
“Two years ago, I realized I could not see as clearly. Reading, a beloved hobby of mine, almost became impossible. I remember many occasions when I couldn't notice people gesturing at me and ignoring their greetings. Some took offense to this atypical behavior, and my social life and relationships were impacted.
Indeed, I prayed for a miracle.

I was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. It was quite a shocking revelation for me as I presumed my situation was trivial. Also, I thought cataracts were a condition suffered only by the elderly. It was interesting to note that young people were susceptible to cataracts, and cases among younger people were not uncommon. They advised me to get the surgery done as soon as possible to regain my sight.
In Ghana, surgeries can be relatively expensive. The initial quote for my case was about USD 800 for surgery in both eyes. Considering how much I earned as an Uber driver and schooling, I could not afford this. I started looking around for much cheaper options. My search led me to the Northern Region of Ghana, where a doctor at the Tamale Teaching Hospital mentioned the periodic free cataract surgeries offered through the HCP Cureblindness outreach events. I prepared to travel to Tamale to take advantage of this opportunity a few months later.
Right after the surgery, I could perceive light, even looking out of the eyepatch.
This morning, the health workers removed the eye patches and screened us. I can see the change; the right eye will be brand new when I heal. There are no words that can fully explain my joy at this moment. Most patients who have attended post-op care here today are also doing well, and their eyesight improved.

The opportunity to have free surgery is truly a blessing. I can now use the money saved thus far to fund my education. I have had to miss class, but now that I can see, I am eager to resume fully.
God has given these doctors the expertise and skill to heal the sick, so our faith shouldn't limit us from seeking the appropriate help. Seeking medical help isn't a sign of waning faith; it manifests God's healing through medical care.”