Paul Imperia, MD | Cure Blindness

Paul Imperia, MD
Affiliated Ophthalmologist

Paul imperia md

Paul Imperia, MD
Partner and Director of Refractive Surgery, Medical Eye Center, Oregon.

Dr. Paul Imperia has worked in Nepal and Africa providing surgery and teaching modern surgical techniques. He has hosted physicians from developing countries who travel to the U.S. for fellowships to further their training. Imperia is particularly interested in bringing refractive surgery; such as Lasik, to developing countries to reduce the severe visual disability that exists amongst those who have no access to glasses.

Imperia graduated from Lafayette College and the Albany Medical College with honors. At Case Western Reserve University, he completed an internal medicine residency and an ophthalmology residency. He then specialized in cornea and refractive surgery, doing a fellowship at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA.

Imperia is a partner and director of the refractive surgery program at the Medical Eye Center, a private practice in Medford, Oregon.