Michael Brush, MD | Cure Blindness

Michael Brush, MD
Affiliated Ophthalmologist

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Board-certified ophthalmologist with a focus in eye diseases and problems.

Dr. Brush has worked to provide surgical training for ophthalmologists as well as sight-restoring surgeries for hundreds at HCP’s partner institutions. In 2016, Dr. Brush, along with Dr. Scott Lawrence, conducted a 10-day hands-on surgical training workshop at Jimma University. Dr. Brush focused on training in Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery (Phaco) with 5 of Jimma University’s ophthalmologists as well as several residents. A total of 50 patients received surgery (either Phaco alone or Phaco and Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery - MIGS).

In May 2017, Dr. Michael Brush provided five days of initial phaco training to two faculty members, Dr. Tesfaye and Dr. Rebeka, of the Menelik II hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In addition to lectures on the theoretical framework of phaco surgery, they worked on 15 phaco cases over the course of four operating days. Dr. Brush also brought and left behind much needed surgical instruments. The hands-on training with partner surgeons in their home hospitals and operating theatres is a powerful training technique, as trainees have the opportunity to learn in their local context; this type of training would not be possible without HCP’s dedicated affiliated ophthalmologists like Dr. Brush.

Dr. Brush graduated with a medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine and completed a Residency in Ophthalmology at the University of Washington. Dr. Brush currently practices at Kaiser Permanente of Washington where he is Chief of Ophthalmology.