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Surgical Outreach Work Resumes in Ghana

Sep 30, 2020 | news | Ghana |

After pausing outreach events in mid-March in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, HCP’s partners in Ghana have carefully resumed small-scale outreach and surgical care, shifting the focus from high-volume to smaller-scale, continuous surgeries in order to provide essential eye care.

These outreach efforts are planned in coordination with local teams and adhere to the Covid-19 protocols enacted by their governments to ensure the health and safety of the patients and medical providers. Given the shift away from high-volume care, the outreaches take place over longer periods of time.

Partners at the Friends Eye Center in Ghana conducted an outreach in the Upper West region throughout September, providing 591 sight-restoring surgeries. The outreach was led by long-time HCP partner Dr. Seth Wayne with a team of Ghanaian nurses and ophthalmic assistants.

HCP partners in Ghana anticipate providing an additional 1,200 surgeries over the next two months. HCP's work in Ghana is made possible in part with generous support from Latter-Day Saints Charities (LDS-C).



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