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Successful Cataract Outreach in rural Uttar Pradesh, India

Mar 08, 2017 | news |

The Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology and the Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Hospital (JGC) were recognized in the online Indian news outlet Live Uttar Pradesh for their collaborative work conducting an eye camp in Mangarh, India. The 4-day surgical campaign took place from March 4 - March 7, during which 708 cataract patients received surgery.

The event was led by Tilgangaā€™s Dr. Govinda Paudyal and Dr. Sridevi Das of Madhya Pradesh, who performed the surgeries and provided treatment to eight additional patients with non-cataract related eye problems.

The free eye treatment camp was inaugurated by the President of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, Smt Dr Vishakha Tirpathi along with council members Shayma Tirpathi and Krishna Tirpati.

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