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Phaco Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

May 08, 2017 | news |

HCP Affiliated Ophthalmologist provides phacoemulsification training at Menelik II Hospital

HCP Affiliated Ophthalmologist Dr. Michael Brush provided five days of phaco training to two ophthalmology faculty members, Dr. Tesfaye and Dr. Rebeka, of the Menelik II Hospital in Addis Ababa. The workshop involved lectures on how perform a phaco surgery as well as hands-on surgical experience for the two

Ethiopia surgeons, who did not have any prior experience with the procedure. Over the course of the week, they applied this training and the team completed 15 phaco surgical cases. It is through the generous donation of time and knowledge of ophthalmologists like Dr. Brush that HCP is able to bring advanced ophthalmic procedures to partner institutions around the world.

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