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Outreach in Nepal

Oct 30, 2015 | news |

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Joins HCP in Nepal to Witness the Miracle of Sight Restoration

Working together with local teams of doctors and nurses from Nepal, HCP performed over 300 successful surgeries and provided eye care to more than 2,200 people at two separate cataract campaign events in Pullhari and Hetauda.

Heading up the HCP team in Pullhari were HCP board member D. Matt Oliva and HCP international fellow Dr. John Welling. HCP co-founders Drs. Geoff Tabin and Sanduk Ruit participated in the campaign in Hetauda.

Witnessing the incredible transformations at the campaign in Hetauda was two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof, whose article on the work in Nepal is expected to hit newsstands on November 8.

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