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June is Cataract Awareness Month

May 31, 2022 | news |

Your Gift Matched Until June 16!

June is Cataract Awareness Month, bringing attention to a curable, sight-stealing disease.

In honor of Cataract Awareness Month, two long-time Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP) donors will match every gift made up to $100,000! You may double your impact on ending global blindness with a gift made before June 16. This is a special opportunity to have your generosity go even further for needlessly blind people in some of the most underserved areas of the world.

For Himalayan Cataract Project, every month is cataract awareness month.

Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. An estimated 17 million people are blind due to cataract. While cataracts can be related to aging, even children can develop a cataract due to genetics, diabetes or trauma to the eye - approximately 200,000 children are estimated to be blind from cataracts.

The cure exists, but for many of the world’s blind, sight restoration remains out of reach.

Himalayan Cataract Project provides sight-restoring surgeries to people in low-resource countries regardless of ability to pay. This year, HCP and our partners will travel to Ghana, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, South Sudan, the Philippines and other countries to reach patients who lack access to the eye care we take for granted.

With a 10 minute surgery that uses $25 in materials, sight and lives may be restored.

Our work is made possible thanks to the kind generosity of friends like you!

Help celebrate this Cataract Awareness Month by:

Encouraging your loved ones to get their vision checked.

Spreading the word about global cataract blindness by sharing HCP’s posts on social media.

Making a gift to our matching campaign to help us reach those living with needless cataract blindness.

Ready to make an impact on global blindness today? All gifts using this link will be matched prior to the campaign launch!

Thank you in advance for your compassion toward the needlessly blind people we serve!


Join us in curing avoidable blindness around the world