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"I believe sight is a human right." Dr. Sanduk Ruit

Oct 04, 2015 | news |

Excerpt from The Kathmandu Post article "Let there be Sight"

Oct 3, 2015 – I’ve never seen anything like it. The transformations I’ve been witnessing have stirred me for life, to say the least. A woman’s being able to see once again, after three years of blindness—imagine what that feels like.

I can never imagine what Aang Derma Sherpa must have felt when she opened her eyes that beautiful morning. She pointed towards the horizon with her eyes, to the meadow and the hills. “Ohho, the trees! Everything’s so clear,” the 71-year-old said.

For hundreds of others that morning in that remote region in Ramechaap, life changed dramatically thanks to ophthalmologist Dr Sanduk Ruit and his dedicated team from the Tilganga Eye Centre.

In the words of the villagers, Ruit was a saviour, helping free them from utter misery and darkness.

You can read this entire article by Arpan Shrestha in The Kathmandu Post.

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