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Himalayan Cataract Project 2022 Annual Report

Sep 28, 2023 | news |

2022 marked another successful year for HCP Cureblindness as it continued to expand its impact across South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa to help people retain and restore their sight.

Restoring Sight in Remote Regions

HCP-supported partners conducted more than 1.25 million eye screenings and basic treatment and performed more than 128,000 sight-restoring surgeries throughout South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Investing in Sustainable Impact

HCP continues to invest in building local capacity, ensuring quality infrastructure and equipment are available, and supporting initiatives that will enable long-term, sustainable impact. In 2022, HCP made further progress to construct specialty eye hospitals in Ghana and Ethiopia, held 44 training events to enhance eye care capacity with local providers, and provided more than $2.79 million in equipment to local partners to ensure the highest quality of eye care.

Partnering for Scale

Throughout 2022, HCP collaborated with local and global partners to amplify our impact, reaching more people in more communities with life-changing eye care. In Ethiopia, we strengthened in-country partnerships that empower local leadership and enable long-term access to care. In Tanzania, we partnered with Helen Keller Intl to pair cataract screenings with Trachomatous Trichiasis treatment in a collaborative surgical outreach and training event. In the Philippines, we began a long-term initiative with SEE International to deliver sight-restoring surgeries to remote island communities. These partnerships and others will continue to help us deliver quality eye care to underserved communities as effectively and efficiently as possible.

We are proud of our past accomplishments, we are also poised for a bright future as we work to overcome the mountain of global blindness. In October 2022, HCP welcomed new CEO K-T Overbey. She and HCP’s leadership are actively building on the strength of the organization and mapping out a bold strategic plan that will broaden our ability to treat a range of eye conditions, build local capacity and capability in underserved communities and increase our global scale.

Join us in curing avoidable blindness around the world