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Thank you for sharing the mission and work of HCP Cureblindness

news | Sep 19, 2023

To make sharing easy, we’ve provided several drafted posts for your social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn) and a draft email. Feel free to use these as is (just copy and paste!), personalize them, or create your own message! We’d appreciate your posting several (or all) of them starting mid-October and concluding on October 12 (World Sight Day).

Post #1 (Please post prior to October 12.)

HCP child cataract social

For those of us with access to eye care, we may not think about the challenges of going through life with limited vision. But, that’s not the case around the world. Eye health services are not evenly dispersed globally. Those in low- and middle-income countries continue to be disadvantaged when it comes to the distribution of health services. Join me in supporting HCP Cureblindness and their work in curing avoidable blindness around the globe. #HCPCureblindness #WorldSightDay

Post #2 (Please post prior to October 12.)

60 minutes carousel 370x278

Did you know that 60 Minutes traveled with HCP Cureblindness, a charity I support, to Ethiopia to witness first hand doctors curing blindness? It’s an amazing story. And one too wonderful not to share. #HCPCureblindness

Post #3 (Please post prior to October 12.)

HCP Hands Up Social

Vision loss can slowly steal an individual’s sight, and often goes undetected until it is too late. It is important that people prioritize their eye health, amongst other important health interventions, so problems can be diagnosed, treated and often cured. Join me in supporting HCP Cureblindness and their work in curing blindness around the globe. #HCPCureblindness #WorldSightDay

Post #4 (Please post prior to October 12.)

ABC Clickbait Social

It’s always exciting to see a charity that you support in the news. Come along as ABC News anchor David Muir travels with HCP Cureblindness co-founder Dr. Geoff Tabin to Mek’ele, Ethiopia to see first-hand how they’re changing lives in sub-Saharan Africa. #HCPCureblindness

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Donate Today

Your gift changes lives. A $25 donation can help restore sight to someone living with needless cataract blindness. Thank you for supporting HCP's work to eradicate global blindness!
