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Donor Profile: Rich & Margo Hinnenkamp

May 26, 2023 | news |

A conversation with Rich Hinnenkamp, a supporter of HCP Cureblindness for more than 22 years, about why he and his wife, Margo, continue to support our work!

Rich & Margo Hinnenkamp have been HCP Cureblindness friends and supporters for more than 22 years after discovering our work on a televised segment of National Geographic. Rich was well aware of the emotional and financial challenges caused by blindness, having witnessed his own father lose his sight due to glaucoma. Impressed with our surgical teams and global in-country partners, Rich called HCP soon after the NatGeo segment aired and made their first gift.

HCP: Rich, why are you and Margo so passionate about our work?

RH: HCP Cureblindness gives us a great bang for our buck. With a focus on financial efficiency and strengthening infrastructure and education for physicians in low-resource countries, HCP addresses current and future needs by training local doctors to restore sight to the blind in their own communities. We are proud to be playing a role in supporting such a far-reaching model.

HCP: It's been 22 years and you still donate to our June Challenge Match campaign - what would you share with our supporters about why you have continued your support?

RH: As a former Financial Analyst, I look for the best ROI on any investment. Anyone who makes a gift during this campaign will have their donation matched – dollar for dollar. That means every $1 given will be matched so its impact is doubled (up to $100,000) thanks to a special group of matching donors. That’s a great ROI!

Also, now is a great time to receive great tax advantages by contributing a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from an IRA retirement fund. The donation can help satisfy Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met.

There are many benefits to making a QCD now -- it may lower your taxable income, including taxes on Social Security and Medicare payments, and QCDs do not require itemization. Donors who wish to take advantage of this tax benefit should contact their professional financial advisor to receive the maximum financial benefits.

HCP: What stands out to you about the organization's growth over the last 22 years?

RH: I think it's the compassion and global vision that I see in HCP Cureblindness doctors, teachers, and staff. I have seen tremendous growth in eye care in countries like Nepal, Bhutan, and Ethiopia thanks to your work. We love reading about the eye hospitals that are expanding, or clinics being built in rural areas throughout the world and how local doctors, medical staff, and management are receiving training needed to ensure a better future for those who suffer from needless blindness. One sight-giving surgery can change the life of a family, a village, and a community. We are proud to be able to support your work in any way we can.

HCP: Thank you, Rich! Any donation received during the Challenge campaign will be matched up to $100,000; and now with your reminder about QCDs, we will consider all QCD gifts made through June 30 for the match as well. We encourage all donors to ask their Financial Advisor to include their name on the memo of the QCD check so we may thank them personally. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Join us in curing avoidable blindness around the world