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Aston's Birthday Gift

Apr 04, 2016 | profiles |

We received the following letter from a mother in Ohio who celebrated her son's first birthday by raising money to provide life-changing cataract surgery for others. Thank you Abigail for sharing your story and your generosity. We're so happy to hear Aston's vision is improving and we know his future will be bright. Happy Birthday, Aston!

My name is Abigail and my son Aston turned one on March 13, 2016. Aston was born with microphthalmia in both eyes, a genetic disorder causing the eyes to be small and underdeveloped. At 3 months old he had cataracts removed from both eyes. We live in Ohio and traveled to Detroit to see a surgeon who was the best at these cases. The procedure went great and he hashad 2 surgeries since that. His vision is improving and we have high hopes for his future. For Aston's first birthday, in lieu of gifts we asked people to bring money to donate to your organization as it is something close to our hearts. The work you do to help eradicate blindness in places where the care you provide would otherwise be inaccessible is truly amazing. We raised $175 to donate!!! Thank you for all you are continuing to do to make this world a better place!

Abigail Martin

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